
How to Organize Photos in Adobe Bridge

  • Thread starter Phoenix1
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May 7, 2021
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Adobe Bridge is all about organization. It’s sort of like Lightroom’s little brother, or big brother. It depends on how you think about it. Bridge is an easy to use program that can help you manage large numbers of photographs and graphics and it doesn’t take a lot of time to learn. Below, I’d like to discuss the process of organizing photographs with the idea of using these photos in a slideshow that you’ll be eventually be putting together in Photoshop. This is really the beginning stage of the project, so it’s important to get it right. By the way, this is a summary post of one that was already written on how to organize photos for the same reasons. You can check that out too if you need to see something more thorough. There are tons of nice screenshots in that post.

When organizing photos, the first step is to isolate which ones you’d like to use for your project. To isolate photos without actually removing any from your folder, you can simply “Reject” them using Bridge. Basically, click to select a thumbnail image and then use the keyboard shortcut of Alt+D to hide it from view. To reject many images simultaneously, hold down the Ctrl (Command on Mac) and then select the multiple images. When they’re all highlighted, use the keyboard shortcut I just gave you.

Under the View menu, you’ll see two options. One of them is View Rejected Files and the other is Hide Rejected Files. If you’re still seeing the rejected thumbnails and they’ve just got red Reject labels under them, choose the hide option.

Next, you’ll likely want to put the thumbnails in some sort of order. After all, if you’re creating a slideshow, there’s probably a sequence to it. To arrange your images, simply click and drag the thumbnails to their proper positions. As you drag, you’ll see the area you can drop each one to highlight itself.

The meat of this post has to do with moving the images you’ll use for your slideshow to a new folder and renaming them at the same time. Each of these tasks can be completed in the Batch Rename palette. First select your thumbnails and then, to get to this palette, head up to the menu area and choose Tools > Batch Rename. Once you click on that, the palette will open up.

The top portion of this palette controls the saving of the files to a destination folder. Inside of the Destination Folder section, make sure that the Copy To Other Folder option is selected. After that, browse to the destination folder you’d like to copy these images to.

Next, head into the New Filenames section. Here, choose the Text option from the drop-down and then give your files a beginning name, followed by an underscore. Something like, Vacation_. After that, choose Sequence Number from the drop-down below that and then type in 001 in the box directly to the right. To the right of that, choose Three Digits from the drop-down box. Finally, click the Rename button and your selected images will be automatically copied and renamed to a new folder – the one of your choosing. The naming convention, if you followed the above instructions, will be like this:


And that’s about it for this post. I think that covers the basics of organizing, moving, and renaming files in Adobe Bridge. If you have any questions of it you have something you’d like to add, please ask and share below. Thanks!