My name is Jay Gaulard and I’d like to tell you a bit about myself. I’ll try to keep what I write aligned with my professional side, but there’s always the risk that some of my hobbies and personality traits might sneak through. I’ll do my best though.
My History
I created my very first web page in 1996 while taking a Computer Information Systems course at Binghamton University in New York. It’s strange because I’m not even sure I knew how to use the internet at the time. Just months before, I had attempted to apply for a business graduate program at Clarkson University in Potsdam in one of my professors’ offices and I couldn’t even fill in the online form that was required. I really didn’t know what was going on.
Those years were huge in the way of learning for me. By the time I made it to grad school (at Binghamton University) in 1999, I had a hosting account at Jumpline (with an operational website), owned my very first 35mm camera, and was working splendidly in Adobe Photoshop. I was also learning a few other of Adobe’s programs, but you probably don’t remember them (ImageReady and LiveMotion; two of my favorite programs ever). And yes, in those days, we called them “programs.” I think they’re called apps now. They’re the same thing though. Those two apps were discontinued long ago, but Photoshop and many others live on today.
Through the years, I’ve become quite the talented force when it comes to setting up systems and learning about many aspects of technology. The domain you’re currently browsing was registered somewhere around 2004; maybe even earlier. I initially ran a website design and hosting service from this domain and later turned it into a blog. I began with WordPress as my content management system (CMS) and continue on with it today. After my initial introduction to WordPress, I began writing, photographing, and blogging. From there, I transitioned into a professional writer and amateur photographer. My passions include learning and teaching. And building. We can’t forget about the building part. I do love putting things together.
My Goals for This Website
I work on my computer every single day. If I’m not working for a moment or two, I’m thinking about working. As mentioned above, I’ve got some decent experience in what I do for a living. If I don’t have some sort of experience, I’ll learn what I need to know. Very rarely do I jump over to YouTube for a quick free lesson. I take actual courses. Lots of courses. I appreciate professionally crafted and presented knowledge. I find I learn better in a structured environment. How does any of this help you? I’ll tell you. What I learn, I record here on these pages. If I need to learn about digital photography, I’ll take an entire photography course. Everything I learn, I post. If I need to learn how to use Adobe Photoshop, I’ll take an entire Photoshop course. Everything I learn, I post. Mind you, these are paid courses I’m talking about. The good ones. And no, I don’t copy the work others have done and paste it somewhere else. I learn things, use them, and then write and share my version of the material. My love of teaching keeps me going. So please take a look through my blog to see how it can benefit you. I’d love to see others gain something from my efforts.
In Summary
To sum this up, I’ll tell you this: I’m a teacher and a writer before I’m a designer and a photographer. I love to help people. It’s in my blood. I’m not sure there’s ever been a person I haven’t helped who has asked for it. I’ve been working online for over 20 years and have written well over 3,000 high quality blog posts and articles, about half of those instructional. I’ve taken thousands of even higher quality photographs, some of which are hanging on my walls right now. I’ve got a masters degree in Business Administration from Binghamton University and have run a very successful small business since 2005. I’ve launched dozens of beautifully crafted websites and have taught more people than I can count how to do every single thing I can do, but better. Designing and photographing and teaching are my loves in life. I’d love to help you learn too.
Contact Me
If you’d like to contact me, please email me directly at jay [at] You may also follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
If you’d like me to help you in some way, please contact me and let me know. If you’d like to learn the steps necessary to complete projects on your own, then by all means, visit my blog. That’s where the real fun is.
PS – I also run three other blogs. If you’re interested in taking a look at them, please feel free. They are,, and Thanks!